Pixel Mentor – Integrated & Digital Marketing Solutions for Real Estate

We appreciate you using our business and services at

Pixel Mentor (“Marketing Consultant/Company”), with a principal place of business at 610 Owen Sound St., Shelburne, ON.

  1. Services to Be Performed
    Pixel Mentor agrees to provide integrated digital and traditional marketing solutions tailored specifically for the real estate industry as part of this agreement. The detailed list of services and deliverables is included in Exhibit A “Project Proposal”, which is attached to and forms part of this agreement.
  2. Payment
    The Client shall compensate the Marketing Consultant immediately upon receipt of invoices.
  3. Invoices
    The Marketing Consultant shall issue invoices for all services. Invoices created at a “per listing” basis will be sent on the 1st and 15th of each month. All servies that are invoiced on a “billed monthly ” schedule will be created on the 1st of every month. All invoices are due within five days of the invoice date unless specified otherwise in Exhibit A. A late fee of $50 will be charged for each five-day period past the invoice due date.
  4. Expenses and Materials
    The Marketing Consultant shall bear all expenses incurred while performing services under this agreement. The Client is responsible for direct payments to software providers for any ongoing monthly software costs or hosting fees. The Marketing Consultant will provide all materials, equipment, and supplies needed to deliver the services stipulated in this agreement.
  5. Term of Agreement
    This agreement is effective upon signing by both parties and will terminate on the earlier of:
  • The date the Marketing Consultant completes the services required by this Agreement
  • The Date of Completion listed in Exhibit A
  • The date either party terminates the agreement as provided below.
  1. Terminating the Agreement
    Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time with 30 days’ written notice. Services and payments shall continue over the notice period. The Marketing Consultant is entitled to full payment for services rendered up to the effective termination date, subject to resolution of any service disputes.
  2. Independent Contractor Status
    Pixel Mentor is an independent contractor. Neither Pixel Mentor nor its staff shall be considered employees of the Client. Pixel Mentor has the right to perform services for others during the term of this agreement and retains control over the manner and means by which the services are performed.
  3. Intellectual Property Ownership
    Pixel Mentor retains ownership of all copyright, patent, trade secret, and other intellectual property rights in any materials created or developed for the Client under this agreement. Upon full payment, the Client is granted a non-exclusive, worldwide license to use the work product for their business purposes, linked explicitly to the development and marketing of the Client’s products.
  4. Confidentiality
    Pixel Mentor will use reasonable care to prevent unauthorized use or dissemination of the Client’s confidential information, which includes any data marked as confidential or verbally disclosed and summarized in writing as confidential within 15 days of such disclosure.
  5. Limitations of Liability
    Pixel Mentor’s total liability under this agreement for damages, costs, and expenses, regardless of cause, shall not exceed the total fees paid under this agreement. The Client shall indemnify Pixel Mentor against all claims arising from third-party actions related to the Client’s performance under this agreement.
  6. General Provisions
    This document represents the entire agreement between the Client and Pixel Mentor. Any changes or modifications must be in writing and signed by both parties.
  7. Governing Law
    This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario.
  8. Signatures
    The parties agree to the terms laid out in this agreement as demonstrated by their below.

Operating Hours: Monday to Friday 9AM to 5PM excluding any Canadian Stat Holidays (any attempt to contact PixelMentor outside of these hours will be responded to on the following business day)